empowering women to find clarity, resilience and embody their inherent strength in the midst of life’s challenge

Hi, I’m Rachael!

I'm a separation and high-divorce coach specializing in guiding women through change, grief, and discovering new identities after divorce.

Not long ago, I was exactly where you are now, wondering if I could leave the toxic relationship that had defined most of my adult life.

As a clinical therapist, I felt the pressure to fix my marriage, but over time, I felt my identity slipping away and became lost in confusion and uncertainty about how to break free.

When I say "I get it, I see you," it's because I've walked in your shoes.

Since navigating my own high-conflict marriage termination, I've made it my mission to empower women to find clarity, resilience and embody their inherant stength in the midst of life’s challenges.

You can find freedom from a toxic relationship without losing yourself, your children, or your financial security.

At Resilience to Rise, I'm here to support you through every stage—from the Reckoning, to the Rumble, and on to Reclaiming your self-worth, identity, and dreams for the future.

If you're here, I suspect you're overfunctioning, striving to keep yourself, your nervous system, and your calendar in balance while simultaneously questioning your sanity, self-worth, and the Toxicity of your relationship and divorce.

Are you questioning your resilience to navigate divorce?

Could you use support to understand how to co-parent with your ex-spouse?

Are you questioning how to rebuild your life and heal from divorce?

Could you use support to understand the dynamics of high-conflict separation & divorce?

Do you wish you had a community to connect with during this journey to help you feel less alone?

If So, Coaching Might Be Right For You

“Through her expertise and lived experience as a psychotherapist, speaker, divorcée, and mom of two, Rachael empowers women to find self-trust, boundaries, self-compassion, and confidence, guiding them toward their authentic selves and a life of fulfillment.”

—Teri F.

Contact Me for a free Call and see if Separation & Divorce Coaching is right for you.